1 thought on “Contact details

  1. Dear Alexander I was touched to read your kind words about my father Victor. You seem to have caught a part of him well and can picture him standing there holding the gold ashtray in one hand, Peter Stuyvesant or later Silk Cut in the other. The drawing I did the day after he died and it was satusfying hearing John Humphreys talk about this unusual obit on The Today prog. It is almost 5 years since my father’s death and i’f very much like to print out your memories and give them to my son who is 16, the same age as Daddy when he was awarded a full scholarship to Trinity College. (Also very involved in politics and history)
    Would you be so good as to correct the spelling of his surname in the first para and I can then print it out?

    Thank you in advance
    Kind Regards

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